Citrine, The Crystal for The Week of November 11th-Nov 17th

Hello spiritual loves. Thank you for being here today for our next November− Mondays are Fundays, crystal reading. I hope this past week's crystal, Red Jasper, stabilized your energetic field and enhanced your spiritual and physical endurance with vitality and overall good Chi. If you did not get the chance to experience Red Jasper’s energy, know that the stabilization power of this stone can gradually lead to permanent results to good health, balanced emotions and expressions, and fulfillment of your actions. So do not store it in your jewelry box for too long, wear it often so you can enjoy the benefits of this powerful stone. If you do not own any jewelry with Red Jasper, shop our collection of Red Jasper and see for your self what it can do for you.

Today, Spirits guided me to continue using, The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle Deck by Judy Hall and the affirmations of the day from the wisdom oracle deck, Reawakening the Soul, By Sundara Fawn. They both seem to work hand in hand for relating the message Spirits want to relate with more accuracy.

Let’s get started, I always like to start with a prayer while I am shuffling the deck. The Divine has a unique way of showing their message.

Thank you, God, Divine Light, Spirit guides, Angels, and the Universe in helping me relate the best message for my viewers and all those that are in need of hearing this message to assist them in the healing process of their mind, body and Spirit. Thank you for being here with us today to help us select the best crystal or semi-precious stones best suited for our needs for the week of: November 11th-Nov 17th. Please guide us in making the best possible choices in our week ahead, release us from any negative thoughts and allow us to embrace positive change with love, peace and understanding. I am very grateful for your divine guidance.

Namaste 🙏🏼



Message: Remember you have all the tools and the power to manifest anything your thoughts and your true heart’s desires.

Citrine, the stone of “Manifestation,” has the metaphysical power to give you personal will, mental clarity and creativity to manifest anything your true and deepest inner heart’s desires. It’s like a magic wand ready to be shaken and be given a command to do what you ask it to do. But be very careful on what you wish for because even the unexpected thoughts can go into manifestation.

Citrine, also a member of the Quartz group, has a hardness of 7.0. It is a silicone dioxide mineral with a hexagonal (trigonal), crystal system. The French called it “Citron,” due to its beautiful lemon-like color which varies in shades from very pale yellow to Amber and nearly orange. Some can even have brownish tinges of specimens. This beautiful gem has references as early as 300 B.C. used by Greeks and Romans for jewelry making during the first and second centuries A.D. Today Citrine is classified in two categories, natural grade, mostly pale yellow color and commercial grade, common Citrine, which is Amethyst but heat-treated, with a deeper Amber or orangish shade. They both have metaphysical powers, and they are both helpful in assisting one, but they do have difference in metaphysical effects. Most natural deposits are found in Brazil, Africa, Madagascar, Spain, Russia, France, Scotland and the USA.

Chakras Activation:

Root (1st Chakra) ❤️ - Located at base point of spine, is our source of “Survival.”

Sacral (2nd Chakra) 🧡 - Located below the navel, is our source of “Emotions.”

Solar Plexus (3rd Chakra) 💛 - Located below breast bone, is our source of “Power”

Third Eye (6th Chakra) 💙 - Located between the brows, source of “Intuition”

It's said that, Citrine, awakens the creative powers of human beings, even “the not so creative,” the unconscious. It activates one's root, sacral, solar plexus chakras, including, the third eye chakra by stimulating one’s imagination — opening the realm of realization with the beyond, the now, the what could, should, would be, the future. It harmonizes these energy centers necessary for one to start in the creative imagination process and go after it.

Both the natural and common Citrine have metaphysical powers, and they are both helpful in assisting one, but they do have difference in metaphysical effects.. Below I will go into the Spiritual, Emotional and Physical effects of each one of them.

Natural Citrine

Spiritually, Natural Citrine is the great magician, the manifesto, assisting one in putting forward all of one’s intentions into actions. The will to proceed magnifies even when there is a “yield”, from obstacle(s) that appears in one’s path. Assists one into purifying the manifestation gateway with Divine energy.

Emotionally, Natural Citrine assist one in maintaining adversity to overcome difficulty at bay, and giving one the courage to take concrete decisions with clarity. It frees the mind from thinking and feeling of being undeserving or abundance.

Physically, Natural Citrine will enhance physical stamina and energy levels. It helps support the endocrine system and encourages proper metabolism.

Heat Treated Citrine

Spiritually, Common Citrine marries the energy of the mind with that of the will. It helps one perceive issues of power use, boundaries and manifestation. It stimulates the mind and can assist in learning.

Emotionally, Common Citrine helps to lighten dark thoughts and brings optimism, playfulness and happiness into one’s energy systems. It gives one a “second wind” to face difficult situations.

Physically, Common Citrine is helpful for digestive issues and metabolism. It can be used to support weight loss and two increase energy during exercise.


In conclusion, if you are lacking the power to bring into manifestation your deepest heart’s desire. then the stone/crystal for you to use is Citrine. Know that both the Natural and Common Citrine help promotes metaphysical benefits , they are somewhat similar however, due to the heated process on the Amethyst, to make it into a Citrine color, each of the energies and the Chakras it activates will be at a much lighter frequency which mostly is based on the new color it was transformed by the heating process. Regardless of the process, the color of this beautiful stones, natural or heated, activates the portal of the second, third and sixth chakras, all necessary to activate the creative process and thinking process putting into action your deepest and true hearts desires and intentions. So be careful what you wish for.

Daily Affirmation for the Week of November 11th - November 17th

It’s proven that saying positive and daily affirmations, one can raise one’s vibration and train of thought. Train your mind to stay positive even when one is going through difficult situations. Embrace the new changes that are trying to come into your life. This week, with the presence of Citrine say the following:

I open myself to the inspiration of my creative imagination, and through the strength of my will, aligned with Divine will, I manifest my dreams.

The Oracle Card of the week


Do you believe in magic? How can you open to more magic in your life? How does it feel to be like a magician??

Get your magic wand and start creating your reality. Spirits want you to know that you can be anything you want to be only if you allow your self to think and act like a magician. Open your eyes to the endless blessings the Creator, the Universe and Spirits want you to receive. It is really a matter of you accepting what is it that your true hearts desires and have the courage to go after it, no matter how hard that path seems to be. Your Angels, Ancestors will be there for you. So get inspired and start creating your magic!

CitrineJewelry Found In Julia Esther Collection

It is not a matter of believing what these amazing gifts from “The Heavens” can do for you, but really appreciating their powerful qualities. However, it is really a matter of carrying the stone with you, preferably in a jewelry form, so you are able to instill its Metaphysical properties in its purest form.

The bracelets in our Collection were created for this purpose, to help you achieve your highest self, so one can find the perfect harmony within. Julia Esther is dedicated in selecting the best quality materials for you to enjoy for many years to come. Our Stone Index will also help you narrow down the search for the perfect stone you are in need of, so happy browsing.

Hope you enjoyed this week's −Mondays are Fundays, crystal reading. Please know that Spirits’ messages this week, were all based on the need to communicate, the need for your to go after your true heart’s desires. Whether your are going after career changes, or wanting to change something in your personal life, know that you have the power to make the changes you are in need of, even if they are painful transitions. Know that Spirits are there to assist you and give you the courage to withstand anything you might be going through. But don’t do it alone. Get the help you need. Whether it is at a professional level, or simply with the aid from the wonders of the Universe, natural crystal healing, please know that there is help out there and you are not alone. We are here to help. Look at what our semi-precious stones jewelry can do for you. They really were the missing link in my life. Hope it can be yours too.

Go on and make magic happen with Citrine. Have a marvelous, magical week and happy shopping.

Peace and Light to all of you.

Namaste 🙏🏼❤️

The Quote of the Week

Obstacles will look large or small to you according to whether you are large or small.
— Orison Sweet Marden

DISCLAIMER: This website/blog is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention. Crystal Healing is very effective but is not for everyone. It is a slow, gradual improvement on a time exposure basis. Please seek medical professional advice if you require fast, medical attention.


Cyndi, D. (2016). Complete Book of Chakras. Woodbury, MN: Llewellyn’s.

Robert. S & Naisha A. (2005, 2007). The Book of Stones. East Montpelier, VT: Heaven & Earth Publishing.

Judy H. (2016). The Crystal Wisdom Healing Oracle Deck, London UK. Watkins.

Sundara F. (2014). Reawakening the Soul Wisdom Cards. China. Fawn